How I Use Gaming As Virtual Therapy

Like any other college student, I am also dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety disorders. Sometimes, I even think I am also struggling with other mental health conditions. Since I am a working student, I have to juggle my time for school and work to be able to support my education financially. I have to dedicate my whole time to partitioning my tasks and responsibilities because I am currently living independently.

With that said, the task that I put myself into requires a lot of emotional and mental strength. That’s because all sorts of distractions, temptations, and unmotivational situations are just right around the corner. And since I really wanted to finish school and get a degree, I know I have to deal with these psychological problems I am facing.

With all the emotional, physical, and mental stress I deal with every day, I can’t seem to find the words to explain how exhausting my life is, and any form of physical activity is difficult to do.

My Life In A Nutshell

My routine starts with one full-time job in the morning, class schedules in between, and another part-time job in the evening. Seriously, I really do not have time for anything because this setup is already taking too much of my entire life. I have no friends. I only talk or interact once in a while with people socially at school. Either I ask a classmate for notes or talk to a teacher about a makeup exam that I missed due to my working schedule.

Truthfully, I am not complaining because I happened to accept that this is already my life. That if I wanted to be successful, I should have to work hard for it and do the best I can no matter what. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, so I have to take care of myself the way I should.


The Mental Health Dilemma

Unfortunately, due to my overly confident “can do” attitude, I started to feel and see myself mentally and emotionally falling down. I thought I was doing things accordingly and that I was managing my time that best fit my needs.

Sad to say, I was just trying to hold a poker face because I can’t genuinely control everything. I can’t seriously juggle two jobs while trying to meet deadlines for school projects. I can’t attend a special lesson without filing for a leave of absence at work and vice versa.

I often have to choose between school and work.

Having To Choose Between College And Work

It was not the best decision I made and probably the worst one in my entire life, but with all the pressure of school and work, I decided to quit school for a while. I know a lot would think that I made the wrong move, but my preference came from my will to survive. As much as I want to study and get a degree to get a better, stable, and nice-paying job, I can’t as of the moment.

College is no joke, especially when talking about financial capability aside from mental health concerns and emotional problems.

Since I began focusing on my two jobs, I felt that my life started to loosen a little bit. I don’t have to worry about deadlines anymore, and there’s no adrenaline rush in the middle of the day or in between shifts. I felt like I was in the right zone working for my college funds.

Yes, I am not quitting on a college degree. It’s just that I am taking a step back so I can focus on it even better once I get back there.


Unstable Mental State 

So far, my simple work life has been a poor attempt to hide away the sorrows of longing for success. For weeks and months that passed by, there was not a moment that I didn’t think of going back to school. I wanted to get that educational achievement because I believe it’s worth a shot at having a better life in the future. I do believe that it’s a ticket to personal growth and development someday.

With the constant desire for college life, I developed anxiety. Thoughts in my head are endless, and a lot of what-ifs are taking over. What if I can’t go back to school? What if I got fired from my job? What if I can’t save enough for college? What if I fail? What if I end up having nothing at all? What if my plan does not work? These are just a few negative thoughts that I held onto and makes my emotional regulation a mess.

Due to my unstable state, I have decided to cut some slack and treat myself for once.

Online Game As Therapy

One time, during a work break, I decided to install online games on my mobile device. It was a simple mix-and-match app that requires little to no effort to complete. After a couple of days, I found myself playing digital games with MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) game play. And that’s where it all changes.

After work, I get a little excited for an hour break because I get to play video games with my online friends. Yes, with MOBA, I gained friends. I managed to talk to people in virtual worlds using the game chat and found out that my life is not that bad after all. Some of my friends are dealing with far worse than me, and I can’t stress it enough how thankful I am for knowing the things they all went through. Not because I feel sorry for them but because I realized that my life can still be meaningful despite the struggles.

Lessons Learned In Gaming

It was then I used the virtual reality of gaming as virtual therapy. Not only because I enjoy the game itself but I get to know other people from the end of the line. I get to talk with them and share my problems without thinking that I might be judged or anything. With the technology in therapy, I became at peace with my mental and emotional state because I got to interact with others through the game.

An hour or two of playing MOBA has changed my life. Somehow, it made me think about leisure from time to time. I realized that I shouldn’t have to be hard on myself and that whatever happens, things will still be okay. And like the game, if I lose, I can always pause and continue or recharge and restart.

My social gaming community has helped me a lot. No, not financially, but they provided me a sense of hope that things will get better and that I shouldn’t have to pressure myself that hard because soon everything will be fine.


Striving For Balance

Of course, there are instances when I often get caught up with the leisure time I gave myself and get a little too overwhelmed with serious games. Sometimes, I need to remember to focus on my work because I often think about playing mobile games a lot. I am not perfect, and I somehow thought I was getting a little addicted to playing MOBA.

Understandably, I know the intention of downloading the game was to give myself a break from all the work-related stress I deal with every day. But I am also aware of the negative impacts it can have. If I get addicted to gaming, I could develop various mental health conditions and would need cognitive behavior therapy sessions in order to keep myself on a proper pace in gaming.

So, as much as possible, I try my best to remain consistent with the purpose of playing mobile games so I wouldn’t steer away from its therapeutic effects, and I seek out mental health professionals for mental health interventions.

I understand that playing mobile games can cause addiction, traumatic brain injury, anger, and stress management issues. So, as much as possible, I would schedule my gaming experience so I wouldn’t have to deal with the negative consequences if I ever lost track.

Final Thoughts And Insights

Online or offline gaming can be a helpful tool when used correctly. It can be the best way to look after our overall mental and emotional wellness. It provides us a space to unwind, relax, and take time out from the stress and pressure of daily life. It gives us a sense of purpose and will to try new things. It makes us realize our potential and encourages our ability to control ourselves for better growth and development.

Playing video games (disclaimer: not all video games are mental health friendly, as there can be violent video games) can teach valuable skills as well, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and stress-coping strategies. It can also simulate real-life scenarios, allowing us to practice and improve social skills in a safe and controlled environment. Furthermore, playing video games can provide an open viewpoint and track improvement objectively and quantifiably.

By playing games, it acted as a form of video game therapy for me. I would get to play with the people I met online on role playing games, and it was play therapy. In this game setting, I get to choose the reality I live at that very moment.

Gaming can also be a really pleasant way to have fun and stay connected with friends. As for me, this is the best thing that ever happened after I downloaded and installed the game. I gained friends and they soon became my companions. Now, I also spend time with them in person. We hang out and have coffee and dinner from time to time. It made me happy because I got to experience a true connection through the gaming app.

Just like any other thing, there can be positives and negatives to gaming. But as long as you focus your video game and on its role in your life, you will have enough mental strength.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do Video Games Help With Therapy?

How Does Gaming Help Your Mental Health?

Why Do Therapists Play Games With Clients?

Can I Play A Casual Game With My Therapist?

Can Video Games Help In Mental Health Recovery?

Are Video Games More Effective Than Therapy?

How Does Video Games Help With Anxiety And Depression?

How Does Playing Video Games Relieve Stress?

Can Online Gaming Help With Depression?

Do Video Games Help Your Mind?

Are Video Games Good For Physical Therapy?

How Do Video Games Help Brain Stimulation?

Can Video Games Cause Stress And Anxiety?

What Is The Purpose Of Games In Therapy?

Technology In Therapy – How E-Counseling Helps

Online Therapy: An Overview

Online psychotherapy or counseling services are referred to as online therapy (sometimes called teletherapy or e-counseling). Online therapy, as opposed to face-to-face counseling, mental health technology in therapy enables you to communicate directly with a certified counselor or therapist via any device with internet access, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

The Shift To Online Counseling

Since everything was closing or moving online, even psychological counseling and treatment for people with mental health issues, during a virtual reality counseling session, you might feel completely at ease sharing personal information than when speaking with a therapist in person. Online counseling has emerged as a new form of coping skills that is a highly advantageous approach that meets your psychological and emotional demands, even though initially seemed unclear.

Holistic Treatment Methods Online

Several holistic treatment methods for mental disorders are available nowadays through online counseling or e-counseling. The advantages of online therapy or e-counseling are becoming more widely recognized as contemporary technology advances. The ease of use, variety of options and services offered, and affordability of the therapies provided are some of the clear advantages of online counseling for a large number of individuals.


Seeking Help Requires Strength And Courage

Anxiety, depression, abuse, addictions, trauma recovery, marital or family conflict, eating disorders, gender identity, LGBTQ concerns, social anxiety, and other psychological illnesses are some of the difficulties you may typically seek e-counseling for.

It also assists those with disabilities, who have been affected by any natural disaster that makes independent mobility challenging. Additionally, people with mental illnesses who reside in remote areas far from any therapists or counseling or mental health professionals, or in a tiny community where psychologists do not take on new clients are also excluded.

Getting mental health treatments can be done efficiently and conveniently with online therapy. It is not, however, appropriate for everyone who specifically needs mental health treatment. Your illness and the intensity of your signs and symptoms will determine the extent to which internet therapy treatment is right for you.

What are the Major Benefits of E-Counseling?

You may find that internet-based treatment offers several advantages that apply to your particular circumstances. Let’s talk about the most significant ones.


Access to mental health services hasn’t always been easy. You have undoubtedly had trouble accessing healthcare in the past for your mental health concerns or mental health conditions, which has caused you to completely neglect the problem. Consequently, you may feel less anxious throughout an in-person counseling appointment because of the availability of online counseling.

It is sometimes tough to find a mental health counselor in the area who accepts your health insurance, or there may not be any counselors available at all. It’s also possible that you suffer from a physical condition that makes it difficult for you to go to a treatment appointment.

However, with e-counseling, prospective clients may connect to top mental health professionals through a safe and reliable online service like Zoom from the comfort of their home using a straightforward and appealing method of therapy. Because online mental health counseling is so readily available, receiving a comparable level of treatment does not require being in the same location as the counselor. A major benefit is that it removes the requirement for travel for in-person counseling meetings.


There may still be an associated cost if you miss your counseling session due to an unavoidable circumstance, like getting stuck in traffic or an incident with a car on the road. Similarly, it can be difficult to organize suitable visits since your therapist’s workplace hours conflict with your normal working hours. Making it to a counseling session is difficult, particularly if your schedule is hectic.

Thankfully, those who live in rural or isolated places can now receive psychological treatment thanks to online therapy or e-counseling. You can usually arrange your treatment sessions during periods that work best for you because you can easily attend them online from the comfort of your home.

E-counseling could appear like a sensible choice for anyone who encounters any of the following issues. Online counselors are often easily accessible during regular Monday through Friday business hours, so you are capable of managing your therapy from the comfort of your home or place of business at any time that suits you.

Counseling has become simpler to get on your terms now that it is more widely available than before.



The high cost of traditional methods of counseling has discouraged many people in the past. Thankfully, there are now more reasonably priced online therapy options compared to before. Furthermore, because of new technologies and the expansion of technological healthcare programs, most insurance companies now pay for online psychological counseling in the same way they do for personal sessions at treatment centers.

There are various membership options available, so you may pick the type of cognitive behavioral therapy that best suits your financial capabilities and way of life. The amount of time and number of sessions are customizable to meet your financial needs. Additionally, there is no cost associated with traveling to and from the therapist’s office.

The legal system now requires insurance companies in several areas to pay for Internet counseling like they would for in-person sessions. To find out the details of how the policy you have will cover e-therapy or e-counseling sessions, get in touch with your insurance provider. Before beginning the steps of electronic counseling, ensure that you receive the appropriate financial support for your medical needs.

Access to psychological care hasn’t always been straightforward, and for many people—particularly those who find it difficult to pay for services beyond their income—affordability is a barrier. Online therapy methods may make counseling much more accessible and cost-effective for you.

Therefore, you might want to think twice if you have put off getting assistance and mental health treatment because you believe you have no alternative.


Getting counseling can be scary. Maybe you’ve stayed away from it in the past because you find it unsettling to think that you’re exposed to a strange environment. You might not approve of it because you think it will aggravate your general issues with mental and emotional health. Fortunately, psychological care is now more accessible because of modern technology, artificial intelligence, and the internet.

While discussing physiological healthcare issues with relatives and friends can be pleasant, discussing equally critical mental and public health issues with them might trigger unwanted feelings. You might benefit from the convenience of online counseling if you don’t like the conventional face-to-face meeting format of traditional therapy. You can use tablets, PCs, and mobile devices; every option is possible.

It is easier to transcend the negative perception that has traditionally been connected with the diagnosis of psychological disorders when one has a connection with the internet. This is so that you can hold your session in the best location.

You can hold your therapy session at home because of online video chat and various possibilities with phone calls.


Ongoing Support

Choosing the correct counselor is crucial because not all counselors specialize in solving all sorts of mental health issues. Without worrying about the negative reaction, you can select the professional counselor or therapist with whom you feel most comfortable sharing personal information.

You can locate a professional counselor who meets your requirements and is knowledgeable about your specific mental health needs and mental health resources with the help of e-counseling. You can communicate via text or telephone with your counselor anytime you need assistance. For those who require ongoing care to manage the signs and symptoms of alarming depressive disorders, anxiety, or other psychological illnesses, this use of technology and mental health app is an excellent advantage.

You may miss in-person treatment appointments for a variety of reasons, including illness, weather-related issues, and traffic. You can maintain consistency and contact with your therapist whenever and wherever you have an internet connection when you participate in online therapy. Despite any obstacles, you can proceed with therapy sessions if you seek online help.

Individualized Treatment

One method for individualized treatment for a range of mental health issues is e-counseling. Online therapy treatment platforms let you choose useful resources depending on your demands. In the course of counseling treatment, you may find it useful to use clinical surveys on mobile devices, journaling prompts, mood tracker apps, electronic self-assessments, guided meditations, and self-care films to not just help you heal but also allow you to gain new skills.

You will understand more about your disease and possibly get greater recovery results if you have the opportunity to receive peer support, online therapy knowledge, and medication management. With the support of a qualified, certified, licensed mental health care provider, it gives you the ability to come to more informed choices daily that will improve your psychological well-being.

Don’t be hesitant to ask questions and read the reviews. Searching for the ideal online therapist may take some effort, but the search is well worth the time. Remember that since you can see why you need help, e-counseling encourages you to stick with your treatment plan.


Even though the connection between both of you and your counselor is very confidential, you might feel uncomfortable discussing your ideas, sentiments, and habits with someone face-to-face. Sometimes, you could feel embarrassed and disinterested.

Thankfully, e-counseling, or internet counseling, offers flexibility and anonymity. You have several real-time options for communicating with your counselor or medical health professional, including texting, talking, writing, and sending written expressions of your ideas and feelings.

Final Thoughts And Takeaways

Online therapy may be a suitable choice of mental health apps for you if you are under stress or have a psychological disorder and are having trouble getting mental or behavioral health care for whatever reason. To achieve your therapeutic objectives, you can work in the comfort of your own home with qualified and experienced therapists.

To assist you in getting back on track, take into consideration these advantages associated with online psychological counseling. Even if you don’t have a professionally diagnosed illness, speaking with a professional can be beneficial, and beginning therapy online can be a simple process.

It is reasonable to assume that more individuals in need of behavioral therapy, like you, will make frequent use of online treatment or e-counseling in the near future, given the increasing digitization of daily life and its accessibility and convenience.


How Does Technology Affects Therapy?

What Are The Advantages Of Technology-Based Therapy?

What Technology Is Used In Therapeutic Services?

How Does Technology Affect Our Mental Health Positively?

How Does Technology Contribute To Mental Health?

Why Is Technology Important In Counseling?

Are Technologies Beneficial To Patients?

Why Is Technology Important In Physical Therapy?

Does Technology Affect Our Behavior?

How Does Technology And Social Media Affect Mental Health?

What Role Does Technology Play In Emotional And Mental Status Testing?

How Does Technology Impact Relationships Positively And Negatively?

Has Technology Had A Positive Or Negative Impact On Mental Health?

What Are The Disadvantages Of Technological Advances In Psychological Treatment?

Therapy in Action: Practical Insights and Breakthroughs at the Annual Conference

The Annual Therapy Conference is an exciting event for professionals and students in the field of psychology, counseling, and therapy. It is an opportunity to learn about new research, theories, and techniques, as well as to network with others in the field. This year’s conference was held in a virtual format due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but that didn’t stop the attendees from getting inspired and gaining valuable knowledge.

New Findings in Trauma Therapy

One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation of new findings in trauma therapy. Trauma can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being, and the conference provided a platform for researchers and clinicians to share their latest insights and breakthroughs in treating trauma.

One particularly interesting presentation discussed the use of art therapy as a means of processing traumatic experiences. The presenter discussed the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express their emotions through art, as well as the benefits of using art as a tool for processing trauma. Art therapy can help individuals to process their emotions and experiences in a non-verbal way, leading to a greater understanding and acceptance of their trauma.

In another presentation, a clinical psychologist discussed the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in treating trauma. EMDR therapy is a form of therapy that involves having the individual revisit a traumatic experience while simultaneously engaging in eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation. The psychologist presented research showing that EMDR therapy is effective in reducing symptoms of trauma and promoting long-term healing.

The Power of Mindfulness in Therapy

Another topic that was extensively discussed at the conference was the power of mindfulness in therapy. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment and accepting experiences as they are, without judgment. Many presentations emphasized the importance of incorporating mindfulness into therapy and the benefits it can bring to individuals who are struggling with emotional or psychological issues.

One presentation discussed the use of mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy (MCBT) as a treatment for anxiety and depression. The presenter discussed how MCBT combines the principles of mindfulness with those of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals manage their thoughts and emotions in a more effective way. Research has shown that MCBT is effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and can lead to long-term improvement in mental well-being.

In another presentation, a mindfulness-based therapist discussed the importance of teaching mindfulness to children. The therapist discussed how mindfulness can help children to manage their emotions and become more resilient, and how mindfulness practices can be integrated into the classroom to promote mental health and well-being.

Exploring the Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy is another topic that was discussed at length at the conference. Group therapy provides individuals with the opportunity to discuss their experiences and emotions with others who are going through similar issues. This can be a powerful and transformative experience, leading to greater understanding and healing.

One presentation discussed the benefits of group therapy for individuals who are struggling with addiction. The presenter discussed how group therapy can provide a supportive and understanding environment for individuals to discuss their experiences and emotions, as well as to receive encouragement and guidance from others who are also struggling with addiction.

In another presentation, a therapist discussed the benefits of group therapy for individuals who are experiencing social anxiety. The therapist discussed how group therapy can help individuals to learn new coping strategies and gain confidence in social situations, as well as to develop a sense of community and connection with others who are experiencing similar issues.


The Annual Therapy Conference provided a wealth of valuable information and insights for attendees. From the latest findings in trauma therapy to the power of mindfulness and the benefits of group therapy, there were a variety of topics covered that highlighted the importance and effectiveness of therapy in improving mental and emotional well-being.

It is clear that therapy is constantly evolving, with new research and techniques being developed all the time. Attending conferences such as the Annual Therapy Conference is a great way for professionals and students in the field to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments.

Moreover, attending such conferences is not only about gaining knowledge, but also about connecting with others in the field. It provides an opportunity for professionals and students to network, share ideas, and collaborate on projects and initiatives.

In conclusion, the Annual Therapy Conference was a success, with attendees leaving with a deeper understanding of the power of therapy and the many ways in which it can improve the lives of individuals. Whether you are a seasoned therapist or just starting out in the field, attending conferences such as this is a must for anyone who is passionate about helping others and making a positive impact in the world.

Exploring the Boundaries of Therapy During International Conferences

Therapy is a constantly evolving field that strives to improve the well-being and quality of life for individuals who seek it. With new and innovative techniques being developed all the time, it’s no wonder that therapy conferences attract a wide range of experts and attendees from around the world. In this article, we will explore what happens at these international therapy conferences and how they are pushing the boundaries of therapy.

Mind-Blowing Keynote Speakers

One of the highlights of international therapy conferences is the keynote speakers. These individuals are at the forefront of technology in therapy research and innovation and they have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. They present on the latest findings, techniques, and trends in the field, and often challenge attendees to think outside the box and consider new perspectives.

At therapy conferences, attendees are able to hear from leading experts in various therapeutic disciplines, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, and humanistic therapy, to name a few. They can also learn about the integration of mindfulness, technology, and other innovative approaches into therapy. The keynote speakers are not only knowledgeable, but they are often entertaining, inspiring, and provide attendees with a fresh perspective on therapy.

Importance of keynote speakers in challenging attendees to think outside the box

Keynote speakers play a crucial role in international therapy conferences by challenging attendees to think outside the box and consider new perspectives. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table and are often at the forefront of therapy research and innovation. Their presentations on the latest findings, techniques, and trends in the field inspire attendees to broaden their horizons and consider new approaches to therapy.

One of the main advantages of keynote speakers is their ability to present information in an engaging and thought-provoking way. They often share their personal experiences and insights, providing attendees with a fresh perspective on therapy. This can be particularly impactful for attendees who are used to a more traditional approach to therapy, as it encourages them to consider new and innovative techniques.

In addition to being knowledgeable, keynote speakers also provide a motivational boost to attendees. Their inspiring stories and passion for therapy can encourage attendees to pursue their own goals and continue learning and growing in the field. They provide attendees with a sense of direction and purpose, inspiring them to continue pushing the boundaries of therapy.

Overall, keynote speakers play a crucial role in international therapy conferences by providing attendees with new ideas and perspectives, inspiring them to think creatively, and motivating them to continue learning and growing in the field. They are an essential part of the conference experience and provide attendees with the knowledge, skills, and motivation needed to advance their careers in therapy.

Innovative Workshops and Breakout Sessions

In addition to the keynote speakers, international therapy conferences also offer a wide range of workshops and breakout sessions. These sessions are designed to give attendees hands-on experience with the latest techniques and approaches in therapy. They provide attendees with the opportunity to explore new techniques and methods in a supportive and interactive environment.

At these workshops and breakout sessions, attendees can participate in role-playing, guided meditations, and other experiential activities. They can also attend sessions that cover the latest research and advancements in the field, and gain practical tips and techniques for incorporating these innovations into their own therapeutic practices. These sessions are an opportunity for attendees to network with other professionals and gain new insights and ideas that can be applied to their own therapy practices.

Networking Opportunities

International therapy conferences also provide a unique opportunity for attendees to network with others in the field. Attendees can connect with other therapists, researchers, and experts from around the world, and form valuable professional relationships that can last a lifetime. These relationships provide a wealth of knowledge and resources that can be used to further advance the field of therapy.

In addition to networking with other professionals, attendees can also network with therapy organizations, academic institutions, and publishers. These organizations and institutions offer a wealth of information and resources for therapists, including continuing education opportunities, research projects, and publication opportunities. By establishing relationships with these organizations, attendees can stay up-to-date on the latest developments and advancements in the field of therapy.


International therapy conferences are exciting and dynamic events that offer attendees a unique opportunity to explore the boundaries of therapy. From keynote speakers and innovative workshops to networking opportunities and hands-on experience with the latest techniques, these conferences provide a wealth of knowledge and resources for therapists.

By attending international therapy conferences, attendees can stay at the forefront of therapy research and innovation, and gain new insights and ideas that can be applied to their own therapeutic practices. Whether you’re a seasoned therapist or a newcomer to the field, these conferences are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring the boundaries of therapy.

Tips In Dealing With Someone Who Is In Focus Therapy

Do you know of a person who is seeing a therapist at the moment? Are you having a difficult time in understanding this individual? What you must know at this point is the fact that therapy can change the lives of people. In the process of seeking professional help, the person involved may become challenging to deal with.


In this article, we are going to discuss or talk about the effective ways on how you can handle and maintain a harmonious relationship with this person. It will take time before you would be able to adjust to the situation. However, as long as you show dedication in making it happen, everything is going to be okay. Here are the some of the things you need to know:


Have Empathy


The fact that a person is seeing a focus therapist or counselor means that he has personal troubles.It is like Chris Corbett, PsyD says, “There are many reasons why people come to therapy or rely on technology in therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with long-standing psychological issues, or problems with anxiety or depression.” Because of this, there is a high tendency that his attitude will change especially in the way he treats you. Never allow this to bring you down or hate him in any way. Instead, show him that you understand the situation. Never make him feel sorry because the truth is that things are already difficult for him.


Be Patient


Aside from being understanding, you must also be patient with this person. Take note that things are shaky in his life. The last thing he needs is criticism or hatred from you. Give him time to process the situation. It is not easy on his part to act indifferent towards you. Whether you believe it or not, the reality is that a person in therapy sometimes loses control of his deeds or acts. He is going through an experience that is heartbreaking or challenging to face. This is the reason why he needs to feel that the people around him remain patient.


Show Support


Brie Shelly, MS, LMHC, RYT  satates that “Exploring your past, present, and future experiences and mental health symptoms is challenging work and require a huge dose of internal motivation, dedication, and courage.” Remember that your support means a lot to an individual who is going through therapy. Do not hesitate to let this person know that he can count on you no matter what happens. Make him feel that he can talk to you at any time of the day. Remind him that you can be trusted with his secrets and stories. Most importantly, never give him an impression that you do not care about his thoughts or emotions. Otherwise, you can prevent his fast recovery.


Avoid Judgments


“Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act,” says Catherine Cleveland M.S., LMHC-P. As much as possible, make an effort to keep your judgments within yourself. Keep in mind that you do not have the right to judge a person who is striving to get better through therapy sessions. If you have nothing good to say, then stay away from the said individual. Be sensitive enough by being careful in whatever you tell him. You have no idea how much your actions or words can hurt someone. The right thing to do is to increase the motivation of this person. Let him know that you are happy and proud of his steps in treating his mental illness.


Do you want to learn more about focus therapy? Be sure to visit today.

Playing The Sims And How It Is Similar To Focus Therapy


Have you tried playing The Sims? It is a simulation game where you get to choose your gender, appearance, house, neighborhood, career, or basically everything about your life. It is a virtual second life, and it catches attention because we all love what ifs. That’s the thing with us people; we have many options which most of the time are what make our problems. Imagine a bird worrying about what it would become?

So why is The Sims very addictive? Because it gives the taste of the possibilities that we may not experience in our entire lifetime. What is it like to play The Sims, and how does it compare to focus therapy?

Playing The Sims Allows You To:

Choose Your Gender

The Sims has no room for discrimination, so whether you prefer to be a male or a female, it doesn’t matter. You can choose whichever gender you desire. Maybe this is one of the main features of this game – to make everyone feel less of a person and that we all have a fair choice. Lillian Harris LCPC-C elaborates, “Increasingly we are talking about gender non-binary and transgender people having children in a medical system that does not always understand their needs. All of this will have much to bear on the mental health of the entire family.” Sims allow freedom of expression and that is something.

Choose Your Appearance


It’s a funny thing how most of us don’t like how we look. We tend to envy somebody else’s hair, skin, eyes, nose, lips, and more. The Sims offers a chance to choose all of these. You can choose to be fat or slender, blonde, brunette or dyed, or basically every detail of your body is up for a makeover. Now, who wouldn’t love that?

Choose Your Attitude

Seriously, does anyone prefer to be mean? The Sims also offers an option to choose your aspirations, attitude, and yes, you can choose to be mean. Basically, when you decide what your attitude will be, your Sim will voluntarily act in conformity with your chosen attitude. If you choose to be mean or evil-spirited, that is what your Sim will be, and you will notice how unhappy it can be whenever it does the opposite of what it’s supposed to be.

Choose Your Name

Why do we love aliases? Maybe it is because it gives us the pleasure of being known with another identity than what we originally have. Some say they have an alter ego, and in cases of multiple personality disorder, people tend to say they are somebody else, having a different personality and name. In The Sims, you also get to choose what you want to be called.

Choose Your Neighborhood

In the game, after you choose your gender, appearance, attitude, and name, you will be given an amount of money to decide which neighborhood you want to be in, and the amazing part is you get to build your own home if you wish.

Choose Your Career


When you start playing, your Sim will have offers for a job when it reads the newspaper, use the computer, or read letters from the mailbox. You can choose to be a writer, journalist, chef, detective, athlete, scientist, doctor, musician, entrepreneur, manager, gamer, or even a smuggler if you wish.

Playing The Sims gives us the opportunity to choose and experience our preferred life, but as we play the game, we learn that even though preference from the beginning of the game is essential, it is what we do that makes up our Sim. It is like choosing your own happiness. It explains Dr. Chantal Gagnon PhD LMHC statement when she sys “Happy people do things differently. They make their emotional wellbeing a priority and practice daily and weekly habits that help them create joy, happiness and satisfaction in their lives.” If you chose to be an athlete from the start of the game, your Sim will most likely love to workout and would definitely hate being idle and eat a lot. You can try to be a chef, but you know what happens to people who are made to do what they hate. They fail at it. Success is possible, but they have to go through many hardships before they can achieve it.

Focus therapy is similar to playing The Sims. It aims for us to focus on what we want to achieve, and it makes us realize the consequences of drifting away from our goal. Also similar to the game is that we have control over ourselves. We get to decide and choose what we prefer, and the game guides us and makes us see how close we are to what we originally wanted. The Sims and focus therapy teach us to concentrate on what we believe is the best choice for us and that every other option is possible, but they make us farther from our goal. Beleive what Marc Romano, PsyD says, “Focus on yourself and your own happiness and do not compare yourself to others.”

Why You Need An International Counselor If You Want To Study Abroad

Some of us have dreamt of traveling across the world and see the wonders we cannot find in our own countries. That’s why when we were children, we might be absolutely caught up in the idea of studying abroad. Obtaining a degree from another country can open a lot of opportunities. 

When you study abroad, you will immerse yourself in a new educational system. You will also get to know new people and experience their culture and traditions first-hand. Depending on where you study abroad, you might have to learn a new language. You’ll be using this language in your day-to-day life abroad.


Going beyond purely academic experience, studying abroad can also boost your career opportunities. According to the Institute of International Education, in 2019, around 10% of American students obtain their education abroad. These students believe that gave them more experience and increased their maturity and their experience. They also believe that it can influence their future career paths. Companies are more willing to hire students who have recommendation letters from foreign universities.

Yet, you might have a lot to consider before you can actually study abroad. Here are the things you need to know about an international counselor if you want to acquire education in a foreign country.

What Is An International Counselor

An international counselor’s primary job is to provide counseling services. This is directed to individuals who are planning to go abroad. They may also assist people who are already currently living overseas. These include a wide variety of professionals and students who need to be prepared to venture into another country. Some of these may involve:

  • Military personnel who will be assigned for dispute or diplomatic duties
  • Government employees and politicians who are assigned for treaties and agreements
  • International students who want to attend a foreign school

Being bilingual is beneficial for international counselors, but it is not necessary. However, this is certainly helpful if they are speaking to native students applying from another country. Speaking at least two languages enables them to communicate their client’s needs effectively.

International counselors may also offer different types of counseling services depending on the needs of their clients. For students, these counselors may specialize in educational or career counseling. They can provide complete and comprehensive university requirements and eligibility criteria.

Common Mistakes Most International Students Make

Being the first in any situation can result in a lot of failures. Your international counselor can help you prevent some of the most common errors they make while applying to universities abroad. The first mistake international students commit is not learning how to speak the country’s national language. Your counselor has information on language schools where you can take basic language courses.

Another common mistake is not researching scholarship opportunities and financial grants. This should be the start of your search as it will have an impact on your expenses. Other common mistakes international students make in studying abroad include:

  • Being unaware of essential information (i.e., public transportation, maps, and other utilities)
  • Having unrealistic expectations
  • Lacking proper budget
  • Packing too many things

As a young adult wanting to obtain education in a foreign country, you should be given an initial orientation. Your international counselor can brief you about your universities’ culture. They can help familiarize you with the departments and programs you need to know. 

How Can International Counselors Help You Study Abroad

A strong desire to study abroad is not enough. Your international counselor can provide you personalized advice. They can provide you with the complete details of the program you want to apply for. They will also guide you in finding the program that’s a better fit for your academic and professional goals.

Applying to most universities requires you to submit an application file. Some schools may also require you to provide a curriculum vitae. Your international counselor may give you useful tips in writing your application file. They will make sure that you meet eligibility criteria and deadlines to increase your chances of being accepted at your desired university.

Your international counselor can also connect you with the right people and offices for your visa. They can lay out the steps you need to follow for completing your visa requirements. They may also help with translating and submitting your documents. An international counselor can also inform you of any changes in the visa process. They can equip you with the right tools to obtain a visa when you apply for it.

Lastly, your international counselor can be your mentor on your journey throughout your experience. Achieving your desired campus is not the end of the process. There can be unexpected events during your study abroad. You may have issues with boarding, lounging, or even being lost in the city. In this case, your international counselor can always tend to your needs. Trust your counselor like a good friend, and do not hesitate to ask them for help.

The Role Of Occupational Counseling In COVID-19


When COVID-19 hit everywhere, it not only took away our safety but also crippled us. Because of how infectious the disease is, we have had to stay at home. We were not allowed to leave the house to do any non-essential activities. However, this long-term confinement has a massive impact on us. 

According to July 2020’s KFF Health Tracking Poll, people’s mental health conditions declined. People have difficulty sleeping and eating. There is an increased intake of alcohol or substance abuse. There is also a report where adults begin to have symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder. 

Anything can affect a person’s mental health. There are various such things in the present situation, like the panic COVID-19 brings us and the disruption it causes to our daily lives. We can no longer move as freely as before. Even if it is for our good, this still affects us negatively. It might take its toll on our mental health. 

Occupational counseling might be able to help. Read on to learn about what it is and how it can help us get through our present predicament.


What Is Occupational Counseling

Occupational counseling is the only line of work that helps all people of all ages. It aims to treat the social, mental, emotional, and physiological effects of illnesses and injuries on patients through teaching adaptability and learning activities they want and need to do. They believe that these will help with a patient’s motor skills, balance, coordination, and even mental health.  

That is done through a process. In the beginning, occupational counselors look at the strength and challenges to know what the client needs. They do that by testing you with certain activities. Following that, they will list exercises, activities, and plans catered to the patient in improving life. In the end, there will be an evaluation to see whether the client and the counselor achieved their goals. If not, they will make changes to their plans. 

The activities planned to range from the simplest things, like cleaning a room, to complex ones. For example, someone who has trouble with motor skills might be asked to pick things up with tweezers. It then gradually shifts to jumping jacks or jogging around. Anything that might help improve movement will do. 

Other than helping people with their motor skills, occupational counseling is also beneficial to people who are suffering from:

  • Stroke
  • Sensory integration dysfunction 
  • Work-related injuries 
  • Arthritis 
  • Vision or cognitive problems
  • Work-related injuries 
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders 
  • Spinal cord injuries

These are often what occupational counselors treat. However, they also work with people who struggle with mental disorders. Mental disorders can also immobilize a person. For example, the feeling of sadness will overcome a person with depression. They will lose interest in activities and have low energy levels. Those with crippling depression might have difficulty in finding coping mechanisms on their own.

During the pandemic, people seek occupational counselors to help people find their rhythm again and do activities to improve their mental health.  


Role Of Occupational Counseling In COVID-19

Occupational counselors are the ones responsible for helping us take care of our mental health. They focus on finding out what a person needs and their relationships with their family and community. They do this to suggest activities to the patient that are important for the family and strengthen their dynamics. These help decrease the feeling of isolation and improve their mental health. 

There are activities to be done individually. Counselors teach the patient techniques to be able to cope with the effects of mental illness. For example, a person who struggles with anxiety might be given breathing exercises to calm themselves. Someone with overwhelming thoughts is taught techniques to distract themselves. 

Another approach is replacing unhealthy activities with healthy ones. Counselors might advise their patients to sit down and write about anything rather than watch television all day. Instead of being on the phone all day, they could walk around the house to be productive. There are many different and healthier ways to cope. We have to learn about them.

Some people struggle more than others because they are confused about their feelings. Through educational programs and treatment, occupational counselors help patients reflect on what they suffer from. Understanding and accepting their condition will make things easier. 

We still cannot go back to our pre-COVID lives. However, there are always alternatives. Sometimes, when our mental health suffers, we stop doing activities that we like and that make us feel good. Occupational counselors might ask patients to go back to these activities. Going back to these activities can improve our mental health. 

At the end of the process, occupational counselors evaluate progress. They check if the patient could achieve any of the goals they set at the beginning of the process. Whether or not these goals are met, the counselor will always end on an optimistic note. The most important thing is for the patient to move closer to their desired direction and destination. 

Occupational counseling ensures that people who need help will get it. Working on different activities with different objectives is just one of the few steps forward. Counselors will show us how to lead a productive life, one small step after another.

On Depression And Feeling Lonely: Frequently Asked Questions For Those Struggling With Melancholy.


It’s difficult for some people to decide whether they are simply sad, or in reality, they are depressed. Often, these two are confused even if there are significant differences.

Here are a few of the most remarkable differences between depression and feeling sad:

Depression Is A Mental Health Condition While Sadness Is Simply A Feeling

Sadness is basically a feeling or an emotion and is part of our composition as human beings. All of us are aware of what it feels like. Suffering from sadness may even be beneficial in overcoming our daily challenges, including a breakup, rejection, or frustration.

Understanding MDD: Emotional & Physical Changes

Conversely, major depressive disorder is officially a mental illness or mental health medical condition, meaning that it manifests itself through various emotional and physical symptoms within two weeks. These can include weight gain, weight loss, muscle pain, and other common symptoms. The things that you were so interested in in the past no longer give you happiness and you almost always feel tired or hopeless.

Prolonged Sorrow: Psychological Conditions

Continuing sadness is just a component of mental disorders such as depression and it is very possible that several thoughts, experiences, and behaviors that depressed people suffer from have changed together with their feelings. This eventually causes overall misery and a significant alteration in their attitudes and views in life.

Sad or Gloomy Woman Staring on a Bus Window

Mental Illness Stays Longer While Sadness Is Short-Term

Feelings are temporary emotional experiences that disappear with time. If a feeling persists during one of the phases in your life, it happens in lapses. Hence, a feeling may last for an hour or several hours before diminishing slowly. During sad times, there are instances in a person’s day where he feels fine – he can manage to laugh, sing along with his favorite song, and enjoy the company of a close friend or family member.

No Moment Of Joy In The Persistent Struggle

When it comes to depression symptoms, there is no short or temporary moment of enjoyment or joy, especially when no proper attention is given to it. It continues almost throughout the day and within a two-week timeframe. A depressed person can’t just snap out of it and the severe symptoms he is going through are frequent or consistent. They might even be worse when he wakes up. Unfortunately, his whole day is defined by persistent depressive disorder, and he can only hope that it goes away because it doesn’t.

Mental Illness Is Not A Normal State Of Being While Sadness Is A Very Particular Reaction

When a person is sad, it is usually because he is reacting to something – a hurtful experience or event. His misery is triggered by this certain event or experience, and it is not a healthy or normal feeling. On the other hand, mild depression frequently happens for no tangible reason.

Beyond Persistent Negative Thoughts And Reactions

If you are depressed, the symptoms that you feel do not just manifest when you have negative thoughts or reactions to somebody or something. The symptoms will persist in almost any situation that you are in. This might cause you to lose focus and have a hopeless view of his life and his future. He might even feel out of control.

The Impact Of Triggers: Need For Proper Management

If depression starts following a certain event or occurrence, it was perhaps mainly because of the trigger instead of the cause. If this is the case, the depressed person’s reactions and behaviors become disproportionate, which might most likely be harmful to him if the depression is ignored or not properly managed.

Managing Melancholy: The Inevitable Human Emotion

Sadness can be a hard feeling to manage, not only because of the pain it produces but also because of the elements that have caused the sadness. Sadness can be a consequence of disappointment, helplessness, or loss, among other things.

It is vital to keep in mind that sadness is among the most usual and natural human feelings. It is something that will eventually help people who are experiencing depression and mental health symptoms seize happy moments with the support they need for their overall well-being.

On the other hand, sadness can become more profound, indicating that you are experiencing a type of depression. If you feel like you are becoming sadder and sadder and feel as if your sadness is tough to explain, information related to depression may actually help.

Understanding Emotional Struggles

According to the National Institute Of Diagnostic And Statistical Manual, depression is an illness demonstrated by extreme sadness, decreased motivation, and lack of interest in things previously enjoyed. It is typical to have feelings of misery and sadness as a reaction to unfavorable life situations. Such situations may include major life transformations, disappointment, loss, or stress.

Adjusting & Coping With Emotions

In most circumstances, the sad emotions subside as you begin to adjust to the transformations in your life. In events like bereavement, these emotions may continue for months and return at certain times, like anniversaries and birthdays connected to the lost person. But if you do have times when you can enjoy yourself, this sadness is not an indication of depression.

Depression is not uncommon and can manifest in various forms, often overlapping with symptoms of mental health conditions like bipolar disorder and eating disorders. Recognizing depression symptoms is crucial, as it is a significant aspect of mental illness.

For those who experience depression, it’s essential to prioritize mental health, seek support, and be aware of the risk of suicidal thoughts. Suicide prevention is vital in addressing these health conditions and promoting overall well-being.

One out of three people will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Most instances of depression are minor, but about one out of ten will suffer from moderate to severe depression.

Elderly couple sitting on a park bench, with the husband reassuring his wife amidst a somber atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Cheer Up?

You can cheer up by trying these simple strategies:

  • Be thankful for everything that you have.
  • Manage a smile. Research reveals that wearing a smile may cause an almost instant surge of endorphins even if you force it.
  • Listen to inspiring music or music that pleases you.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Hug someone.
  • Get soaked in the sun.
  • Practice positive affirmations.

How Can I Lift My Mood?

If you are seeking ways to lift your disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, here are some ways to do it.

  • Walk around the neighborhood and get some sun while you’re at it.
  • Find something to laugh about.
  • Listen to beautiful and relaxing music.
  • Organize and declutter your room – or your home.
  • Think about the good things that made you happy.
  • Permit yourself to express how you feel.

How Do You Calm Down A Despondent Person?

  • Let them know that how they feel makes sense.
  • Be a witness to their true emotions.
  • Provide physical support and comfort if needed.
  • Show the other person that you acknowledge how they feel, and enable the development of his own recognition of these feelings.
  • Don’t try to stop their pain or minimize their sad emotions.
  • Suggest actionable strategies.

What Are The 4 Major Causes Of The Mental Condition?

The four most common causes of depression include abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, sexual), genetics, loss or death of a loved one, and certain antidepressant medications that can lead to depression.

How Do U Make Someone Happy?

Make a person happy now by:

  • Thanking them through text, call, or email.
  • Smiling at them, so they feel the warmth.
  • Assisting them with what they need, such as carrying something for them.
  • Ask them how they are doing.
  • Cook their favorite meal.
  • Clean for them or with them.
  • Give them flowers.
  • Crack a joke and make them laugh.

What Do You Do When Your Friend Is Melancholic?

Below are some tips on how to comfort a sad friend:

  • Let them know that you understand their feelings.
  • Show him that you truly feel for him and recognize the deepening of these feelings.
  • Provide physical and emotional affection if necessary.
  • Do not attempt to dismiss the pain that your friend is going through.
  • Recommend steps that you can act upon.

How Do You Calm Yourself Down While Crying?

Calming yourself down while you are crying can be easily dealt with. You can begin by focusing on your breath by doing deep, slow breathing. This will help you regain your control. Gradually move and blink your eyes to keep the tears from falling. Also, try to get rid of that lump distracting your throat. Finally, exercise your facial muscles to achieve relaxation.

What To Say To Someone Who Has Been Crying?

Some effective phrases that will work when talking to a person who is crying are as follows:

  • “It’s really fine to feel sad.”
  • “You should know that you can always talk to me about anything.”
  • “I’m always here for you.”
  • “Let’s find ways to solve this – the two of us.”
  • “You can call me anytime you need someone to talk to.”
  • “Do not hesitate to seek help.”
  • “I’m available to listen when you need an ear.”

How Does The Mental Condition Affect Synapses?

Studies reveal that depression affects people as it is linked to decreased brain areas that control cognition and mood, including the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, and reduced neuronal synapses in these particular brain areas.

What Is The Number 1 Cause Of The Mental Condition?

Several risk factors heighten the risk of causing teen depression, including obesity, bullying, decreased self-esteem, and physical, emotional, and verbal abuse.

What Are The 4 Types Of Depression?

The four major types of depression include:

  • 1 – situational
  • 2 – biological
  • 3 – psychological
  • 4 – existential

How Do You Cheer Up A Dog?

Find engaging activities to do with your dogs, such as exciting tricks, games, and basic training. Always find time to connect with your dog. You could also give your dog time to play with your friends’ dogs or attend doggie daycare. You must pay extra attention, especially when your dog is depressed.

What Food Can Cheer You Up?

Eating dark chocolate is one of the things that can cheer you up. It is loaded with mood-boosting ingredients and tryptophan, a specific amino acid that your brain utilizes to create serotonin, a neurotransmitter that increases happiness and emotions.

How Can I Pick Myself Up?

You can pick yourself up and overcome your adversities by:

  • Focusing on the present
  • Being mindful
  • Recognizing and acknowledging adversity
  • Exercising your mind and body
  • Trying your best not to be defeated by your fears.
  • Practicing positive self-talk
  • Challenging yourself to be better every day.

The great news is that treatment can definitely help resolve symptoms of depression. This includes medication, counseling, self-care, and classes. If, however, you or someone you love has suicidal ideations or thoughts of self-harm, or if depression treatment at home doesn’t help improve your depressed mood or behavior within two weeks, contact a mental health provider as soon as you can.

Are Sorrow And Despondency Identical?

Experiencing occasional sorrow is a normal part of life – often triggered by challenging or disappointing situations. In contrast, enduring an overwhelming and continuous mental health issue can have significant effects on everyday function.

What Is The Response Of An Individual Experiencing Emotional Distress?

Individuals experience profound emotional distress, remorse, and possibly even regret. These emotions can evoke sensations of hollowness or despondency.

Oftentimes, articulating these emotions proves challenging for those affected by them. Besides, grasping the nature of such emotions can be an arduous task as they tend to trigger physical responses alongside their psychological manifestations.

In What Area Of Your Body Do You Experience Sorrow?

Extreme emotional distress carries with it not only an emotional burden but also unique physical sensations in one’s chest. These may include tense muscles, accelerated heartbeat, quickened breaths, and even stomach turmoil. As illustrated in a body map created from survey data, respondents identified the chest as a crucial area where such emotions manifest themselves.

What Alterations in the Brain Function Are Happening Amidst Melancholic States?

A diminished volume of grey matter combined with decreased functional activity in the hippocampus may result in adverse emotions while hindering cognitive processing capabilities in individuals experiencing emotional distress.

What is the Typical Duration of a Major Melancholic Episode?

A significant downturn in one’s emotional state may last for a period of at least two weeks. During this time, an individual experiences various symptoms including persistent despondency and despair. Additional signs may include fatigue, fluctuations in weight or appetite changes in sleeping patterns loss of interest or enjoyment in activities, and contemplation of self-harm.

Online Mental Health Conference

Psychologists are no different from other professionals, in the sense that we need to attend various seminars and event types to learn about psychological innovations and mingle with everyone.

Last year, I went to four different event conventions across the country with my colleagues. Aside from nurturing our knowledge, we also managed to connect with psychologists and mental health professionals from other states because of the event.


I personally loved attending any mental health event and other conferences. After all, each individual mental health awareness event allowed me to stray away from my hectic schedule.

I know that mental health professionals are not supposed to say that, but we tend to experience work burnout from time to time, too. That is why workplace mental health or workplace mental health wellness is important. Health in the workplace for me is a must, so any event is welcome, be it a free webinar for world mental health awareness, resilience, or another event on helping children.

That’s especially true if you are the only psychologist or mental health professional that two mid-sized towns share. Mental health professional fees come in abundance, as our mental health services aren’t necessarily always free when we share help. But even doctors need a break, which conventions (especially a free event) can offer and share.

Then Coronavirus Happened

Despite that, ever since the coronavirus outbreak event happened, all types of mass gatherings and events became prohibited. It meant that the four mental health conferences I was set to attend this year, regardless of the date, could not commence, as called by the conference organizers. While I wanted everyone to be safe, I could not help but feel sad about the conference.

Imagine, those were my only free event breaks in a year. I did not have kids or a husband to share free company with. On days that are free of any conference, I’m usually by myself on random days — Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, or event Sat. That’s typically without a personal or online contact in a day. Even my social media is off and I would want it to stay that way for a much more focused health wellness.

So going to conferences had been my idea of having fun for years. Any Thursday that has a free conference, whether that is 8 00 in the morning or late in the evening, I looked forward to. Now that I cannot do that on any date, it has honestly bummed me out and affected my emotional and mental health care.


Enter The Online Mental Health Event Convention

During the community quarantine, I lived a mundane life. No special event whatsoever. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu all looked the same, no date or random 8 00 on Thursday stood out with a free event where I can share something with others. None of my patients scheduled event appointments at the time in fear of contracting coronavirus. So, I stayed at home most of the time, no more busy Thursday and Friday. The only thing I liked about it was that I could do yoga and meditation for hours which is helpful for world mental health maintenance. Other than that, I missed going out to share thoughts and stories like everyone else.

Then, my spirit awoke one day while browsing through my email. One of the psychological associations that I was a part of was about to hold a free online mental health conference for all of us. The organizers apparently invited a celebrity host and a couple of singers to facilitate the event program and do intermission numbers, respectively. Within seconds of reading the newsletter, I already signed up for the awaited date.

Below is a detailed account of my experience with virtual event conventions that I want to share with you.

Pros Of Virtual Events

I Didn’t Need To Dress Up For The Event


I want to share the first thing that made me adore the online event setup. It was that I didn’t need to buy new clothes for the occasion. This basically means free clothing. For conventional event conferences, I remembered spending my entire salary for three to four outfits only. It sucked for my savings, but I had to do it to avoid looking like a beggar in front of my colleagues. So now, I’m free from having to spend much for an event.

When I attended the virtual event, I put on a simple white shirt. I already had it, so it was essentially free. I thought it was the safest bet, considering they did not mention a dress code in the newsletter. Thankfully, it was a smart decision since I forgot that I would share a screen merely from the chest up.

Traveling Was Not Required For The Event, Essentially Being Free

The next perk I want to share is this: Although I expressed my love for mental health event conferences, I hadn’t told you about my lack of enthusiasm for traveling. I often got car sick unless I was sitting behind the wheels, so basically, whenever I share a vehicle with anyone. Whenever I went on a plane, I had to take an anti-anxiety pill at least an hour before that.


Now, since this particular event conference took place in the virtual world, I didn’t worry about traveling. I woke up, brushed my teeth, ate some breakfast, and turned on my computer to share the free online space of the event with other participants. That’s it!

I Got A Digital Copy Of The Mental Health Event Conference

Now, I want to share the last perk of the online event. It became an unwritten rule to bring a pen and notebook to events and conventions. This is so that we could write down every new information speakers share that we want to apply to our practice. Of course, it was challenging to remember everything while trying to focus on the speakers, so my colleagues and I ended up comparing free notes later. It was helpful to share notes, but actually writing down things made it difficult to focus.

Nevertheless, that’s not something I had to worry about during a virtual event. According to the facilitators, they would share a free digital copy of the event program. It saved me from needing to take note of anything. It would also be so easy to access and search for information later. Whatever topic it was, whether the psychology of children or resilience, the information is there. I could easily search through and refer to the free video of the event if I wanted to share something with someone.

Regardless of the day, be it Mon, Wed, Thu, I can review the event for free. Want to view it on a random Wed or Thu? No one’s stopping me from looking at the event again for free on any Thursday I want.

Cons Of The Virtual Event


Free Socializing With Fellow Psychologists During The Event Or After The Event Was Out Of The Question

What saddened me about the online conference was that I did not get to socialize and share thoughts with my fellow psychologists during the event. After an event back then, we used to go to a bar or restaurant and share fun. At the end of the night, we would already be friends and share contacts. We also used to free trade and share thoughts and insights about the mental health awareness event.

Unfortunately, when the virtual mental health awareness event ended, the event line immediately went dead and access was cut. There was no way to continue talking to other attendees, even though I would see their faces in the event conference’s free digital copy. There was no way to share contacts and search each other’s accounts.

Final Thoughts

Attending a mental health conference online has been an interesting experience. I liked that I didn’t need to leave my town—much less my house—to learn something new about the psychological world. My savings also stayed intact, considering I didn’t have to buy clothes. Despite that, socializing with people in my field remains essential, so I would not exchange a real conference with a virtual version of it anytime.


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How Do You Communicate Your State Of Mental Wellness To Others?

What Is The Most Important Habit To Maintain Good Mental Health?

How To Promote Positive Mental Health Amongst Different Cultural Groups?

How Will You Combat Problems To Avoid Mental Health Issues?

How To Mobilize The Community To Promote Positive Mental Health Online?

How Do You Promote Mental Health Awareness On Social Media?

What Are The Difficulties Accessing Online Mental Health Services?