AIDS and HIV Awareness: The Truth You Need To Know



Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS is the product of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) progression inside the body. It breaks down the immune system that predisposes the individual to infections, diseases, and disorders. There are currently no remedies for this disease, and everyone that is sexually active is susceptible to this kind of condition. The proper awareness and knowledgeable information are the only way that can help in stopping it from spreading.


How The Infection Starts

There are various ways to get AIDS and HIV. The most common is the practice of having unprotected sexual contact with an infected person due to the primary carriers of the disease such as the sexual fluids from the body. An individual can also get it from sharing injection needles and blood contact from a person with the said disease. Blood transfusion from an infected person is less likely, but it is somehow possible. Babies are also at risk of infection during their mother’s pregnancy and childbirth if the mother happens to acquire the virus. Read more information here:




HIV and AIDS don’t have specific symptoms, and most of the manifestations are due to other diseases that infect the body when the immune system starts to weaken. It may be due to bacteria, parasites, fungi, or other viruses, which are usually prevented by a healthy immune system.

Most individuals with HIV will have flu-like symptoms within 2 to 6 weeks after the infection. There are also rare cases where individuals do not show any symptoms after several months or years after contracting the virus. However, there are specific signs of early HIV infection, which may include a red rash, chills, fatigue, fever, night sweats, sore throat, gland enlargement, severe weight loss, and muscle pain.

An individual during the last phase of the infection can become very receptive to severe diseases, which sometimes cause him to feel an extreme immune degeneration. However, it usually takes ten years for HIV to progress and become life-threatening AIDS. The symptoms of AIDS include the following:

  • Chronic diarrhea
  • White spots in the mouth area
  • Breathing problems
  • Swelling of glands for long durations
  • Chronic fever
  • Blurry vision
  • Night Sweats
  • Severe tiredness and weakness
  • Severe weight loss


Testing For HIV And AIDS

Blood testing is the best way to determine HIV and AIDS infection. The ELISA test is the most widely used form of HIV blood testing that may take three months to show results. As such, it is ideal to take the test after three months of the last sexual contact. A positive result from ELISA indicates HIV infection. However, professionals highly advise that a person should undergo the test twice to be able to get accurate results.


The Treatment


Even with our current technology, there is no cure for AIDS. However, there are treatments that can help HIV and AIDS infected individuals to live long and healthy lives like normal people. The treatment and medicine can help lower the risk of transferring the disease while suppressing its progression.

Help fight the spreading of HIV and AIDS by knowing how to prevent it. Visit clinics, organizations, and medical facilities and try to learn more about the disease.