How To Interact With Strangers You Meet In Conferences

Are you currently employed in a company that requires you to attend regular meetings or conferences with other people? Are you an entrepreneur who enjoys joining workshops and interacting with fellow people in business? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is perfect for you. Keep in mind that you must learn to understand that while these conferences may be fun and exciting, they can also be dreadful for you. According to some psychologists, it can be challenging to meet new people or strangers since you have no idea about their personal tastes and preferences.




In this article, we are going to share the top strategies and techniques that you can use in dealing with strangers. Take note that your interaction with these new people can affect your experience during the conferences or meetings that you attend. As such, it is imperative on your part to make an effort in handling your first-time encounters with them. You will never know how your connection with these strangers can be useful for your business or employment. Here are some of the tips to remember:


Keep A Low Profile


The first thing that you must always remind yourself is to be humble when it comes to dealing with strangers. Do not be too arrogant in handling your relations with them as it can have adverse effects. As much as possible, try to keep a low profile. Even if you are a famous individual or has gained a good name in the industry, it is still best to practice humility. Wait for the other person to recognize your greatness instead of rubbing it on to their faces. Take note that no one wants to be around someone who is too proud of himself.


Be A Good Listener


If you want to make a good impression on a stranger that you recently meet, make sure to consider transforming yourself into a good listener. Let the other person lead the conversation and go along. All you have to do is to learn when is the best time to speak. It is suggested to nod and smile as you listen to the other person when he is speaking. In so doing, you are showing him that you are a well-mannered individual. In short, he will be impressed with your attitude or personality.




Choose Your Topics Wisely


Another thing that you must always consider is to know the kind of topics to talk about with a stranger. You have to be careful in discussing certain subject matters to their other individual. Keep in mind that you have no full background about his preferences or personal choices. As such, you cannot profile him easily. Avoid talking about religion and politics as these topics can be sensitive. You will have no idea that the other person has already been offended because of your careless remarks or comments. In case any of these topics arise in the conversation, try everything you can to open up a new subject.


Avoid Judging The Stranger


As already mentioned above, it is essential for you to understand the reality that you have no full background of the person that you are going to meet at a conference. You have no idea about where he graduated, what kind of business he does or where he is connected. This information is not available easily unless you have researched well about the types of attendees for the seminars or meetings. Because of this, it is best if you will avoid being judgmental to the stranger. Always remember that you do not know the real story of the said person. Hence, you do not have any right to make any baseless judgments.






Always make an effort to appear friendly and accommodating when interacting with a stranger. Do not forget the items listed above so that you will not have a hard time during the conferences. It must be noted that your ability to connect with the strangers you meet can make or break your career or business. If you believe that you feel too anxious or stressed thinking about this, it is best if you will find a professional to help you deal with it


What Children Need To Build Better Mental Health



It’s quite easy for us parents to determine the physical needs of our children – good food, appropriate sleeping hours, getting them warm clothes for the cold. But for their emotional and mental health needs, it may not be that easy to provide. According to, having good emotional and mental health allows children to be able to focus on what is right, develop their social skills, and learn new ways to cope with life’s challenges. Also, encouragement from parents and other adult loved ones, plus the support of great friends, are all vital in helping them promote self-esteem and a healthy outlook in life.

The basic requirements for a child’s physical wellness include:

  • Healthy food
  • Physical activity
  • Immunizations
  • Sufficient sleep and shelter
  • A clean and safe living environment

The basic requirements for a child’s mental wellness include:

  • High self-esteem
  • Supportive educators and caretakers
  • Unconditional love from parents and other family members
  • Correct discipline and guidance
  • Safe and calming surroundings

Love Unconditional


Accepting and keeping them safe is all part of loving your children unconditionally. It must be the center of family life. The family should help them realize that they will only be loved if they have accomplishments because that should not be the case. For confidence to develop in the home, there must be acceptance of right and wrong, the constant patience to teach what is right, and affectionate love that is unconditional.

Nurturing Self-Esteem

Catherine Cleveland M.S., LMHC-P often says that “Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.” With that, one of the most effective and easiest ways that loved ones can help develop self-esteem in children is to praise them. These are forms of encouragement that motivate children to do better or to learn and discover new things. With the parents’ guidance, children can also be taught to create realistic goals that match their abilities and aspirations. They can opt for activities that test how well they and consequently increase their self-confidence. Honesty is the last but not the least element that must be instilled in your children. The first step is to practice honesty yourself. Do not hide from your children their failures and weaknesses. Instead, let them know gently the things that they can improve on. It is vital for them to realize that truly nobody is perfect.

Playing And Having Playmates

Children naturally play for fun. Play is an important part of their development, just like food and shelter. Playtime encourages kids to be creative, and they can promote problem-solving skills. Apart from playing alone, they also need playmates so they can develop teamwork and competitive skills, things that they will need when they are older. Allow them to play with their schoolmates, their cousins, and their neighbors so that they will learn how to adjust to different types of kids. Let them run, jump and yell and even play hard and dirty sometimes. All these will help them become mentally and physically healthy. An example of fun physical activities is letting them bounce in a sky-bound trampoline. Do you know what they’ll love more? Their parents playing with them! And then after every game, ask them if they had fun, or if they won. Let them tell their story watch how happy they are telling it to you.


On Discipline And Guidance

Setting family rules is a must. You can talk about it over dinner. You can start by setting curfews for the older siblings, and then round up the ‘meeting’ with the children’s rules for television time, sleep time, and other important things you need for them to learn how to follow instructions. Linda Esposito, LCSW explains that “Once you redefine the meaning of discipline as a trait of being well-behaved and a tool to develop self-control, the concept becomes more neutral and less personal.”

In disciplining your children, be stern but gentle and realistic with what you want to achieve. Their development largely depends on how much love and encouragement you show them. More importantly, be a good role model for them. You can’t impose self-discipline on a child if you do not practice it yourself.

Be Open About Your Emotions

“Getting angry, becoming emotional, crying, laying guilt trips, or even nervously laughing are all inappropriate emotions during discipline.” Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC  said. When we lose our temper, because we will inevitably, make sure that you talk to your child about what happened and why you got angry. If you think you went overboard, then say sorry. He will learn to say sorry too, which is harder than we think. Remember that as parents, our goal is not to control our children but for them to learn how to control themselves.

Safety And Security

It is not impossible for children to be scared of something or someone. All of us have our fears, perhaps from past experiences or from the present. If you notice that your child is anxious, worried, or afraid of something and it has been affecting his behavior, you must know what’s scaring him. Talk to him gently and reassuringly. Do not criticize him and don’t tell him that it’s nothing, because fears are often real to children. Assure him that you’re there to protect him, and if it’s something that is a product of his thoughts, then help him get over it by showing him the power of positivity. Let him think about his strengths and how a bad thought cannot win over him. Let him feel that he is strong.


Seeking Help

If you think something is bothering your child and you can’t seem to penetrate him, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional. He will open your mind and teach you what to look for as warning signs that your child might be suffering from a mental health condition. Having therapy online is also another great alternative for you and your child. Reach out to one of the qualified and experienced counselors from BetterHelp to get a clearer understanding of your worries, anxieties, and other concerns that you may want to discuss with. Get a view of how working the team is like by reading this or watch videos of client success stories through this link. Caring for your child’s mental health is a must.


Unconventional Ways To Get Your Mental Health On Track Before Hosting An Event For The First Time


Has your mental health been a little unstable since you found out that you’ll be able to host an online mental health conference for the first time?

It is easy to tell that your shaky feelings are not because of your unwillingness to do the job. The opposite may be true, considering the news might overjoy you. Nonetheless, you don’t have it if you feel nervous about the upcoming event. That is the typical reaction of people who are so close to seeing their dreams turn into reality.

While we cannot prescribe you with calming pills or diagnose your issues at this instant, what’s obvious is that you may be worried about your memory failing you once you hit the stage. There is a buildup of anxiety. Perhaps you believe it when Marla W. Deibler, PsyD says, “It’s ‘normal’ to experience some degree of anxiety when stressors are unfamiliar, unpredictable, or imminent.” However, it is unacceptable for hosts, after all, to forget the script they prepared or be unable to come up with ad-libs to make the guests or audience comfortable. If that happens, you may have to change your career and focus on something that does not require you to speak in public.

In case you refuse to turn your back on your dreams, though, here are some unconventional ways to strengthen your memory and keep your mental health on track.


Challenge Yourself To Do Something Different

I have once read a witty saying on one of my friends’ Facebook posts. “When things do not go right, you should go left.” It may sound too cheesy or childish at first, but it genuinely makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

You may feel as if your memory skills are not good enough because you have been doing the same thing in every waking day of your life. Thus, your nerve cells have already decided not to be productive. If you are used to staying at your home, doing nothing, or working overtime, doing everything, you may want to interchange those activities to spice up your dreary life. Challenge yourself to do something different every once in a while to see an improvement in your memory. Alicia H. Clark, Psy.D. says “The sensation of pressure doesn’t have to be negative—it can be a positive challenge and motivating.”

Go Heavy On Caffeine

This trick will be as easy as ABC for those who live and breathe for coffee, but for some who are not very fond of any caffeinated beverage (myself included), I guess there is no other choice but to L-O-V-E it if you want to retain your sharp memory for the conference. It has been mentioned in an article that caffeine can protect a person from memory decline. As the drinker’s increases, too, the caffeine becomes more active, so you should have at least one cup of coffee or tea every day to be able to maintain your strong recollection.

SPOILER ALERT: There is just one little glitch on that study — they have found out that the magic of caffeine only works for women and not for men. The logic behind it remains a mystery even for scientists. So, you should go heavy on caffeine at your own risk.


Spend Time Away From Home

Harvey Earl Wilson, the journalist who was famous for his column, called It Happened Last Night, once said that “vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking.” I do not know about you, guys, but fall is my favorite season of the year. It is the time when my siblings, my parents, and I get to spend a lot of time together because of the many holidays that are associated with it. The fact that I manage to stay away from all the worries that work and studies offer all year round is refreshing as well. If it does not take place,  we will be like a bottle of cola that has been shaken vigorously. When you open it at once, then BOOM! Everything becomes a sticky mess.

Try to assess how much you are being affected by your problems and think of the advantages of going away for a while. It is like listening to Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., clinical psychologist suggestion. “Whether you suffer from a seasonal affective disorder or not, the evidence is strong that getting outside just for a little bit can be very helpful,” she says. You may sleep near the beach or drink and party with your friends till you drop if you wish. You can enjoy your life for once and reduce the risk of having a degenerating memory. I am not saying that you should spend all of your earnings on one trip; it is enough to pay a little more than usual so that you can pamper yourself before going back to the “real world.”

Put Things In Disarray Occasionally

This idea is for you if you are a person who has notes all over your desk or refrigerator door because you do not want to forget things. E.g., grocery days, football games, and date nights, among others.

Being organized is excellent, but too much of it can make your memory decline since you only get to see the same things all the time. If you feel like you practically have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) by now, and it is not doing anything useful with your retention, you can try to put things in disarray on purpose sometimes. This way, you’ll be able to put them back in order the next day and clear your head in the process. Don’t worry; you won’t be fooling yourself by doing so. You are merely testing if you can still remember where some things should be situated at.


If, however, that shaky feeling doesn’t leave you despite following the mentioned recommendations, it would be best to talk to a professional counselor from BetterHelp. It is an online platform that is dedicated to providing you with more information and strategies on how to keep your mental health at bay. There have been many positive reviews from past and current clients.  Signing up is easy and convenient, so you might consider doing it today and finally get rid of that unpleasant feeling.

Final Thoughts

It cannot possibly be easy for everyone to stand in front of hundreds of strangers and talk as if they have known each other for long. Some people may have that skill, but there are others who need a little push to realize how they should react to lovely news.

Try the activities mentioned above regardless of how unconventional they may be. You may find one that will calm your nerves and allow you to prepare for the big event. Good luck!


7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Focus


Focusing on something is a difficult task to do. This is especially true these days wherein too much distraction can destroy your concentration. (Not even therapy online can readily fix the issue.) Noisy surroundings, social media, and even other circumstances can distract your mental focus. The more you try to focus on something the more difficult it is for you to achieve 100 percent concentration. Focusing needs to be practiced and learned. Distractions can affect how well you are doing, to learn new things, and to accomplish something that you want.  Being unfocused can bring out stress in you.

Continue reading 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Focus

Learning To Focus In A Distracted World

The world abounds in distraction. Emails, video software, and real-time communication systems enable people to communicate at any time, even in the wee hours of the morning. Social media screams to be noticed, designed to capture our attention to maximize our usage of the software. In the pursuit of productivity, people are pressured to cram more in less time. In this tense atmosphere, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on what really matters instead of just being stuck in a reactive mode.

However, learning how to focus is even more critical in this hectic world. To truly become productive, people must learn how to filter out distractions and to zero in on the crucial tasks that need to be done. This practice is better said than done, though, but by understanding how focus and distraction work, we will be better able to craft strategies that will help us preserve our focus.

The Science Of Focus


The thought processes of humans involve two systems. The first system is more autonomic and is designed to respond quickly to stimuli without involving much conscious thought. Meanwhile, the second system processes information that requires deeper attention and more time for thinking.

For complex decisions, using the second system is preferred as it reduces mistakes and results in better solutions. However, the capacity of the second system is limited as it can only process so much information at the time. When the second system overloads, the first system is activated to help with the influx of information. Hence, people who are overwhelmed tend to act impulsively and to make decisions without much rumination, resulting in more mistakes and lower productivity. This overloading is how distractions, which increase the information that needs to be processed by the brain, can gravely affect focus.



At this point, you might think focus is something that is easy to work on. Maybe you think that you can handle all the distractions yourself and that you can filter out the crucial work from the menial tasks. Unfortunately, willpower will only get you so far. According to Alicia H. Clark, Psy.D., “The best progress happens when you apply what you’ve learned outside that setting, in your real life.” Analyzing what information matters in an ad hoc manner also consumes some of your mental processing power, which can lead to exhaustion and information overload. Many of the software we use, such as social media apps, is also designed to attract attention, and it would take a lot of mental effort to ignore them.

“The rise and growing significance of social media has caused an influx of mental health concerns, such as low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Now is the time to start paying attention to how social media is influencing your life choices and mental health.” That is according to Brie Shelly, MS, LMHC, RYT. To make things easier, avoid sources of distraction altogether. Deactivate notifications so that you only receive crucial ones, and silence your phone especially during times when you need to focus. Reduce your social media consumption, and consider using software that limits your social media access to specific hours only or for a set amount of hours daily. Work in an environment that is free of clutter, as rummaging stuff to look for a lost item wastes time and can be very distracting.

Give Yourself Space


“So much of mental health work is about giving people a space to be witnessed and held while sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly of human life.” Lillian Harris LCPC-C said. So no matter how busy your schedule is, it is still essential you have time to relax and unwind. You are more likely to be affected by distractions when you are stressed since the second system discussed earlier requires some mental energy to operate. Make sure that you set even just a few minutes every day to relax that you cannot be disturbed by any distractions during this time. In essence, this would help you maintain focus in our distracted world.

The Therapist And The Essence Of Knowing The Theories, Analysis, And Treatment in Psychotherapy

The extension of a psychotherapeutic treatment would result in lesser treatment textbooks that can fit specific cases. Therapists need to know sufficient theory with the significance that explains the processes to induce how a particular issue can end to a resolution. There are similar topics in

It is possible for a therapist to make improvements regarding their judgment while individualizing step-specific therapy plans using unbiased theory. As a result, they can make inferences regarding the proper arrangements for any phase of a specific treatment to boost the amount of success for that particular therapy.


The Difference In Approach

The difference of approach is visible on the subject of the attitude of a therapist in the activation stimulation of a patient’s irrational pattern of intense emotions during the therapy. The communications in the session area are used in clarification to analyze illogical projections during their transference-based advancement. There is a necessity to establish a stable structure of limitations to prevent disruptive emotions in demolishing a working alliance. Because according to Stacy Donn Cristo, LMHC, “While many therapists are qualified to treat common challenges such as anxiety or depression, if you are interested in working with a specialist to address a specific challenge, you should consider looking out-of-network.”


“Therapy can be an important component of our professional identity as we learn from our own therapists.” Tyger Latham Psy.D. explains. Meaning, there is a focus on hatred as a method to feel strong, and revenge as an approach to control an individual in the cognitive-behavioral approach similar to transference-based approach. Transference-based approach regards the stimulation of hate as a defensive mechanism against fear of personality disintegration.  


The Theory

Numerous authors contribute to the formulation and theory of etiology. They specify the borderline using the context of normal personality range, relations, and overlapping personality disorders. As such, the ideology of their treatment can be distinct or similar to cognitive-behavioral steps for borderline personality issues. An example is dialectical behavior therapy.

Necessity For Different Approaches

There is a necessity to experience and tolerate confused condition and explosive state cycles in both transference-based and cognitive behavior therapy approach. The objective is to increase the stability condition in the first steps of both treatments. It is the first phase regarding supportive treatment and pharmacologic approaches. The therapists need to have a good comprehension to go towards psychotherapy integration. A proficient comparison would be transference-focused psychotherapy to the current therapies such as cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and Mentalization-based care.


The Signs

In psychopathology, threats are recognizable as both signs and symptoms. It also acts as a trial regarding the skills of the therapist for patients to observe if they can safely move forward. Such signs and symptoms are referable to homicidal impulses, suicide impulses, and substance abuse. In some cases, it can be mild depending on the level of psychopathology needs of a person.


The focus on borderline personality disorder is most appropriate for psychotherapy researchers with basic training of three or more years. That is why “The diagnosis of “borderline personality disorder” carries a profound stigma for many people. Even some mental health professionals use the term pejoratively, which is not difficult considering that the diagnosis itself implies that someone’s personality is flawed,” says Stacey Freedenthal, PhD, LCSW.

They may be able to find a breakthrough and gain ideas of psychotherapy and use them to make improvements about the specific personality disorders of the patients. There are various noteworthy manuals and books for a therapist. However, the authors of these books would not quote all relevant literature even in a specific personality disorder and reading everything is an impossible feat even with summarization because it needs actual application.

Volunteer Resources For Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Other Healthcare Specialists

Plenty of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other healthcare specialists are finding ways to volunteer and provide their services pro-bono to assist the masses in need. It is still far from meeting the desired quantity of such volunteers to support all the programs around the globe. We are hoping to aid in filling in the current gaps for such kinds of volunteer individuals to increase the efficiency of volunteering projects.



We have gathered the resources and assets to make it a bit simpler and smoother for volunteering enthusiasts to find ways that can help people which is the most suitable for the professional’s interests, skills, and time allocation. There are a variety of projects that range from a few hours with no harsh commitments to those, which only needs an hour a week to provide therapy. There are also projects that will require short trips up to extended stays in a foreign country.


There are several exceptional professional services that are accessible online. Examples would be the programs of United Nations in which specialists and professionals would communicate online with international NGOs, educational establishments, organizations, and agencies of the United Nations to assist in addressing developmental hurdles. Organizations, foundations, and support groups are trying to improve their methodology in recruiting, supervising, and deployment of healthcare volunteers to boost the advantage for everyone.

The Resources Include:

There are national programs that assist the returning veterans and their families such as – RSVP, National Social Justice Initiative, United We Serve, MaleSurvivor, and the Red Cross. Organizations match individuals who want to volunteer using agencies and project seeking volunteers such as Global Volunteer Network, AAAS “On Call” Scientists, Volunteer Match, Health Care Volunteer, and International Health Volunteer.

Local programs are Fremont Community Therapy Project, Greater Victoria Citizens’ Counseling Centre in Victoria, The Fostering Connection in New York City, Walk-In Counseling Center in Minneapolis, Haight Ashbury Free Clinics & Walden House in San Francisco, Volunteers in Psychotherapy in Hartford, and The Ark in Chicago.

Programs which focus on foreign countries, borders, and areas such as Psychologists Working with Children with Autism, Counselors Without Borders, Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, Psychology Beyond Borders, International Rescue Committee, Info Nepal, and International Rescue Committee.

The lists and resources above are some of the active programs that offer services for free. In line with that, they can be helpful to professionals who are just beginning to look for a suitable process in volunteering their services for individuals who currently need their skills and knowledge. We only listed several representatives of local programs in hopes that they could serve as models for areas that lack the same volunteering services that focus on health care practicality.


The base number of psychiatrists, physicians and other healthcare volunteers concerning people with SMI (Severe Mental Illness) is diminutive and inconstant. However, there are numerous potential programs for current and future volunteering. Although many volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds, there is still a dire need for volunteers with healthcare professions. The increase of such volunteers will not only profit the populace with SMI but it will also increase life-saving proportions for other programs.

Looking At the International Trade And Investment

International trade and investment is the driving force toward national and economic development. The need for new and revolutionary means for trading and investing has kept the regulatory framework going.

Currently, trade and investment are quickly evolving with the world economy regarding pattern, shape, and size. Such as the change in the digital economy, the growth of service sectors, and international distribution of production which are revolutionary for global commerce.


Continue reading Looking At the International Trade And Investment

How To Organize A Successful Conference


Organizing conferences require tremendous time, planning, people, and effort. Details must be fleshed out, and event organizers must be prepared for the unexpected. For beginners, organizing a conference may seem like a tough hurdle to jump over. To help you and the others, here are the necessary steps to pulling a successful conference.

Continue reading How To Organize A Successful Conference